Monday, March 24, 2008
i've moved to livejournal! :)
6:27 PM
Smother Me
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Have you ever felt lost and helpless? The feeling of wanting to accomplish something but it never happens because there are distractons everywhere. Why can't human beings just set their mind to do something, and then complete it? Why make a big round and then realize they are not on the correct route? Why does it take something so drastic to happen to realize what has been happening all this while is actually a mistake? Ultimately, do we human creatures know what is out there waiting for us? Or is this all a mistake to begin with?
1:38 AM
Smother Me
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The moon shined its brightest today.

Reached home not long ago! Watched Vantage point at MS with Dawn, Vega & Syaf. The show was good but the parts where they rewinded it 6 times got me really mad. I had a headache while watching those scenes that were being replayed, it almost killed me. Overall, the show was good because it kept you in suspense right from the start. Like who killed the president, bla bla bla. Its scary how people betray their own friends because of $$ What is the world coming to? Hmmm. Oh vell, I love $$ Thats all I can say. Ho ho ho ho. Good night people! Or rather... Good morning? Heh heh heh.
Someday, I'll watch the stars and the moon fade in the sky as dawn breaks.
3:38 AM
Smother Me
Friday, March 21, 2008

- Skipped school
- Had tuition
- Slacked at commonwealth and had beer
1:35 AM
Smother Me
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wheeheeeee! Went swimming with Dawn and Vega today after 100 years. The sun was being evil today, it didn't shine for me -.-! Anyway, I can feel my muscles aching already. Don't think I'll be attending school tomorrow, I'm such a lazy asshole. Haha! My eyes are stinging, must be the chlorine. Stupid chemicals. Oh well. School sucks.. I feel so reluctant to wake up every single day. Face the fucking teachers faces, like very nice to look at -.- I rather look at myself in the mirror! Why can't somebody just bomb the school la fuck? Ah forget it. I'm tired. I better turn in soon. Good night ya'll!
Suddenly, the feelings are coming back..
And my heart is aching. Why?
11:24 PM
Smother Me
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
It sucks to know that you don't even care
10:41 PM
Smother Me
Sunday, March 16, 2008

1:33 AM
Smother Me
Friday, March 14, 2008

Competition today!!!! Must train harder!!!!!! My results are like shit. Grrr. I missed by a whole few points only lah fuck. -.- ! Useless.
BUT BUT, I managed to beat quite a number of people. Considering the fact that we have been training for 2 years and they have been training for like.. their whole secondary school life?
After comp, I MRT-ed home myself. Grrrrr, swear I was so tired and so I fell asleep. Stupid people were staring at me cuz they wanted the seat. Damn you people, I also very tired right? Bet I more stress then you all -.-
Ah and yes, I'm heading to Cathay tomorrow to watch the danceworks. I mean what am I talking about? I go there like everyday -.-
After, I had dinner with my family at Turf City! So filling. Oh my goodness!

It goes to show that, you don't even bother. I'm not important in your eyes anymore.
Why? What did I do to deserve this? It is so useless carrying on like that, just clinging on to you and our past. I need answers.
11:49 PM
Smother Me

Dawn and I watched Rule #1 today at The Cathay. Ah I swear, the show is soooooo stupid I could just tear a patch of hair out from my scalp. I was so irritated by the show, it was amusing as well. The scenes were so fucking stupid la, Fiona Xie looked like a possessed bitch. If you wanna see her in messy hair, with white contacts, pulling a foetus out of her vagina - BY ALL MEANS. Go watch the show. I tell you, the movie sucks to the core. The director is so amateur, gosh. The plot goes something like you being possessed, and then you touch another person to pass the possession. Sort of like a virus thing. Lame right? Its like " Tag, you're it! " - The scary version la thats all! -.- Waste my $8.50!
1:16 AM
Smother Me
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I watched Step up 2 and Sky of love already! Andandand, I fell in love with Miura Haruma & his role(Hiro). Fantastic, fantastic showwwwwww. You people ought to catch it, its super amazing. I was on the verge of crying k people, its unusual cuz I don't cry during movies. So if you have the time, watch it! Step up 2 was the total opposite, it was super boring. Personally, I think that Stomp The Yard is waaaaaaaaay better. I wasted my money and 86mins of me life. Ah what the hell. Darn it. HAHA.
I love the sign on Marianne's back! It says, " Marianne is an idiot " Hahahaha.

Tried to warn you, but you didn't listen. I've always known what you are inside. The dormant part of you, the i-can-be-a-super-nice-guy attitude. It was dying to emerge, but you didn't let it happen. You ignored it. Instead, you listened to the bad side and you gave in. Now what has happened is a lesson for you. All these while, I've been lecturing you, but you didn't listen. I hope you will change. I have so much faith in you & I will never give up. I want to see you through your life, till the day I die. Be a good boy. :)
10:54 PM
Smother Me